



Can You Afford Plastic Surgery?

No one likes to talk about money when it comes to the decision to have plastic surgery. But, few would argue that the financial aspect of the decision is important when deciding whether to proceed with plastic surgery. Dr. Seify offers several different financial options for patients who are considering plastic surgery; however, he encourages patients to think about their motives behind choosing plastic surgery, how their plastic surgery decision will impact them, as well as their financial responsibility. Once a patient has decided to proceed with plastic surgery and has decided which plastic surgeon will perform the procedure, this is when the patient should determine a budget for the procedure they are considering. This includes procedures like breast augmentation, facelift, and even abdominoplasty. The financial aspect of the procedure should be the last consideration. Thanks to the Internet, most patients should have a general idea of what procedures should cost. Preparing a budget for the general cost is a good start. Affordability can only be determined by the patient. It is clear that plastic surgery is a choice and should not be chosen over the basic necessities of life including shelter, food, and caring for our families. But, it is not uncommon for patients to tighten their budgets by eliminating Starbucks, reducing the number of times eating out per week, or continuing to drive an older car for another year in order to have the plastic surgery procedure that they desire. Financing is an excellent option for some patients. Financing can help patients to break down the procedure into manageable monthly amounts and can also help patients to leave their other credit cards available for emergencies. For other patients credit cards are a great option because they can earn points or miles that allow them to utilize other services at a discount. For other patients, insurance may cover a certain portion of the procedure if applicable. Dr. Seify and his staff are happy to assist patients in determining if their procedure can be covered under their insurance which in some cases can reduce the out-of-pocket expense for patients. Patients should always be mindful of not only the cost of the procedure but also the overall benefit to their specific situation. They should include how it will improve their self-esteem, self-confidence, and quality of life when deciding if the investment warrants the benefits. Patients who are considering plastic surgery and have questions regarding financing and affordability are encouraged to contact Dr. Seify’s office and speak with his staff confidentially.