



Breast Cancer ¦ Celery and Parsley are Added to The List of Super Food

Breast cancer prevention continues to be in the forefront of research. New studies show that diet plays a major role in helping women fight breast cancer. According to a recent article an ingredient found in celery and parsley could have a profound effect against breast cancer, according to a new study that was conducted in specially bred mice. Researchers from the University of Missouri found that apigenin (found in celery and parsley) seems to have a medicinal effect on certain types of breast cancer tumors that are linked with the hormone progestin (given in combination with estrogen to women as part of hormone replacement therapy for menopause and is proven to increase the risk of breast cancer).””We do know that apigenin slowed the progression of human breast cancer cells in a few ways: by facilitating cell death, by restricting cell proliferation, and by lowering the expression of a gene associated with cancer growth,”” study researcher Salman Hyder, a professor of biomedical sciences at the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center at the University of Missouri, said in a statement.

Breast Cancer and Living Healthy

Maintaining a healthy diet throughout the recovery and treatment process after a breast cancer diagnosis is extremely important. Dr. Seify and his staff help patients understand that the more prepared they are for healthy lifestyle choices and changes, the more likely they are to navigate the breast cancer reconstruction process effectively and have a satisfying experience.

Breast Cancer Reconstruction Choices

Patients are given a thorough medical consultation which includes breast cancer reconstruction options including newer methods such as fat transfer including stem cell therapy. Traditional methods are also discussed if applicable including the Tram flap method. Dr. Seify utilizes the team approach including the oncologist, radiologist, and other medical professionals that can help to assure the most effective options for the patient. Breast cancer patients are living and thriving longer now than ever before. Much of this is due to better medical care and better lifestyle choices after breast cancer diagnosis.