Breast cancer treatment advocates are happy as a new law designed for breast cancer detection cleared the state, Senate. According to recent online article the California State Senate has passed Senator Joe Simitian’s bill that mandates women to be informed about the risk and dangers of dense breast tissue. The bill, SB 1538, passed on a 39-0 vote. It would mandate that following a mammogram, women with dense breast tissue be informed about the density of the breast tissue, and that such tissue can hide abnormalities, including cancer, and that they may desire to talk about the significance of additional screenings with their doctors.
Breast Cancer Bill Detection Bill Has Support
A similar version of the bill garnered broad bipartisan support last year but was vetoed by Gov. Jerry Brown due to objections over the exact language of the bill. Since then, Virginia has adopted a very similar law, and a pair of studies looking into Connecticut’s version of the law found a 100 percent increase in breast cancer detection rates in women with dense breast tissue.
Breast Cancer Detection is Vital as Early as Posible
Dr. Seify explains to breast surgery patients that it is important to understand the characteristics of their breast. Patients who have a lumpy bumpy consistency to their breast should be especially diligent about monthly breast self-exam as they are most likely to determine any differences or changes to breast. Patients who have had breast surgery procedures including breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast lift are advised to continue monthly breast self-exam as well as screening mammography as instructed by the patient’s doctor. Dr. Seify urges patients to be proactive in their breast health as the best opportunity for survival after a breast cancer diagnosis is early detection. Patients who are informed and proactive concerning their breast health are more likely have to a positive experience as well as a favorable outcome after a breast cancer diagnosis is. Dr. Seify is intimately aware of the benefits of both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. Dr. Seify performs both cosmetic as well as reconstructive breast surgeries on a regular basis.