Breast cancer research has identified a link between the number of fetal cells and breast cancer. A new study being presented shows a reduced risk of contracting breast cancer directly related to fetal cells present in the bloodstream. According to an online article based on the study for the first time, scientists have discovered what may be a causative association between the concentration of circulating Y-chromosome fetal cells in women who gave birth to children, either male or female and their risk of subsequently developing breast cancer and colon cancer later in life.
Breast Cancer and the Link Between the Number of Fetal Cells
The data shows that when there are fetal cells present it is a double-edged sword: Women with the smallest concentration of fetal cells were 70 percent less likely to have breast cancer, while women with the highest concentration of fetal cells had four times the increased risk for colon cancer when compared with healthy controls. The exact reasoning of this contrasting role of fetal micro chimerism is unknown and requires more in-depth study, according to Vijaykrishna K. (V.K.) Gadi, M.D., Ph.D., an assistant member of the Clinical Research Division at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and senior author of a study that appears online in the European Journal of Cancer. It is important for women to follow the screening guidelines based on their primary care physician’s instructions for both breast cancer as well as colon cancer. Women should discuss their individual health risk with their primary care physicians for a more complete understanding of their overall health risk.
Breast Cancer Diagnosis and the Breast Reconstruction Process
Dr. Seify consults with breast cancer patients who are considering breast reconstruction surgery following a breast cancer diagnosis. Dr. Seify works closely with the other physicians involved in the treatment of the patient. It is important for patients to understand that their health will be essential to their survival and quality of life. Dr. Seify encourages patients to approach the breast reconstruction process with the understanding that there are many different options available today for breast reconstruction patients. Dr. Seify will discuss with each patient the methods which will best help them to achieve the most aesthetically pleasing results possible. Newer state-of-the-art methods including fat transfer using stem cells, Tram flap, and other traditional surgical options are included as options for patients who are candidates. Dr. Seify and his staff are committed to helping patients throughout the process in a caring and professional manner.