



When do I need to get Breast Implants Replaced?

One of the important aspects about breast implant cosmetic surgery that every patient should know is that implants are not for a lifetime. They may have to be replaced at some stage in the future. However, exactly when the implants may have to replaced cannot be determined in advance. The situation will vary from one patient to another.

In any case, the patient should know as much as possible about future implant replacement in order to make an informed decision. Dr. Hisham Seify is a board certified plastic surgeon providing breast implant replacement surgery to patients in Newport Beach, Orange County, CA, and surrounding locations.

Average Lifespan of Implants

Many women have a misconception that breast implants may have to be replaced every few years. This can deter a woman from receiving breast implant plastic surgery even when she wants to increase her breast size. The reality is that breast implants will typically last longer than most women believe. The patient does not need to worry about or plan on having implant replacement surgery every few years.

During the patient’s lifetime, she may have to undergone implant replacement once or twice in most cases. While there are no guarantees, in some cases the original implant surgery may last a lifetime without any need for replacement. However, it is better to be mentally prepared for the possibility at the outset rather than face any disappointment later on. Therefore, patients should expect to undergo an implant replacement or removal surgery at least once in their lifetime.

Nowadays very highly cohesive silicone implants are available, and surgical techniques have also improved dramatically. The majority of implants can last for about 10 to 20 years without any complications. By some estimates, only about one in five women will have to go for implant repair or replacement within 10 years of the primary procedure. Leading cosmetic surgeon Dr. Seify receives patients from Newport Beach, Orange County, CA, and nearby locations for implant replacement.

Need for Implant Replacement

In many cases, the patients may choose implant replacement simply for aesthetic reasons. Due to the natural effects of aging, sun exposure, and motherhood, the breast skin may become loose. In such a case, the woman may seek to restore tighter and firmer breasts, which may involve implant replacement to a new size or type and additionally involving breast lift in some cases.

If a woman’s aesthetic preference changes over time with regard to breast size or she wants to receive the latest quality in ultra-cohesive silicone implants, the surgeon may recommend implant replacement surgery.

According to the FDA, a number of potential complications with implants may also necessitate implant replacement surgery at some point of time in the future. The breasts may develop asymmetry in size, shape, or breast level, pain in the nipple or breast region, breast tissue atrophy, calcification or hard lumps around the implants, capsular contracture, or implant leakage or deflation may occur in some cases.

These conditions can be corrected with replacement surgery.

See more procedures and treatments by plastic surgeon Dr. Hisham Seify in Newport Beach | Orange County