Breast cancer and other cancers are a worldwide concern. According to a recent online article the worldwide incidence of cancer is projected to increase 75 percent by 2030, with an expected increase in excess of 90 percent in the poorest nations, a new study reveals. Rates of some specific cancers (such as cervical and stomach cancer) seems to be falling in a select group of developing countries, but these declines are sure to be offset by significant increases in the specific types of cancer linked to a “westernized” lifestyle, including breast, prostate and colorectal cancer, according to the report published online May 31 in The Lancet Oncology. For the study, researchers focused on data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) which included information from 184 countries in 2008 and examined how existing and future cancer trends differ between countries focusing on their levels of development, as evaluated by their Human Development Index (HDI).
Cancer Remains a Worldwide Concern
For now, countries with a low HDI (mostly sub-Saharan Africa) have a high occurrence of cancers linked with infection (specifically cervical cancer), and also liver cancer, stomach cancer and Kaposi’s sarcoma. Countries with a higher HDI (such as Australia, Brazil, Russia and the United Kingdom) have increased rates of cancers linked to smoking (lung cancer), reproductive risk factors, weight concerns including obesity, and lack of a healthy diet (breast, prostate and colorectal cancer). Women’s health issues globally are extremely important. As women’s health improves in one major graphical area scientist and medical professionals are able to analyze cause-and-effect of many cancers and therefore are able to develop better treatments, and hopefully a cure.
Cancer Treatment and Research
Dr. Seify remains extremely active in the research and development of plastic surgery methods and research relating to breast cancer and breast reconstruction. As a practicing board-certified plastic surgeon his continued work in the area of breast reconstruction helps all of his patients both cosmetic and reconstructive. Many of the techniques and methods utilized in breast augmentation procedures as well as facelift procedures have come as a result of reconstructive advances including stem cell therapy and fat transfer. It is the hope of medical professionals and others that cancer will be eradicated globally someday; however, the best options for optimal women’s health are to continue with research and study and seek improvements to help women maintain their best quality of life after a cancer diagnosis.