



Candidacy for Breast Implant Revision

A woman may consider breast implant revision at any stage after breast augmentation cosmetic surgery due to aesthetic, emotional, or medical reasons. The woman should ideally be in good health and not pregnant or breastfeeding when she seeks breast implant revision.

Dr. Hisham Seify is a board certified plastic surgeon providing breast implant revision surgery. Dr. Seify will carefully determine the patient’s candidacy before recommending a revision surgery. He provides breast revision to patients in Newport Beach, Orange County, CA, and surrounding locations.

Improper Implants

Breast augmentation plastic surgery may not always produce the results a patient seeks. This could occur due to several reasons, such as improper implant type, size, or shape. A woman may realize after the implant surgery that she was happier with her natural body shape prior to implants, or that larger breasts are hampering her performance of everyday activities. Such a woman may make a good candidate for breast implant removal surgery.

In other situations, the woman may be dissatisfied with the type, size or shape of the implants. She may feel that the implants are too small or too large, or the shape or profile is inappropriate. In such cases, the woman may be a good candidate for breast implant revision surgery. Revision will involve replacement of implants with new ones, which are more desirable.

Silicone breast implants were approved by the FDA much later than the saline implants. However, now their popularity has surpassed that of saline implants due to their superior touch and feel. A woman who received saline implants at a time when silicone implants were not available, may now be inclined to receive silicone implants through breast revision surgery.

Surgical Complications

In some cases, the woman may suffer from breast implant related complications following breast augmentation. This could happen at any stage after the procedure. Although the risk of complications is minimized when the procedure is performed by an experienced cosmetic surgeon, but complications may still occur even after several years of the original surgery.

Capsular contracture may occur when the scar tissue that envelopes the implants start becoming tighter. If this happens, the patient will have to undergo implant or scar tissue removal, and replacement with a new implant if the patient so chooses. Natural wear and tear or defect implants may cause implant rupture, leakage or deflation. Infection is another risk for all implant surgery candidates, particularly immediately after the surgery.

Implant rippling may occur due to thinning of the skin across the breast or hormonal fluctuations. Breast implants may shift sometimes from their natural position and create a lopsided look. These conditions may not be corrected externally, and the patient may have to receive breast revision surgery.

Other Candidates

Some women may make good candidates for breast revision surgery due to other considerations. A woman who is diagnosed with breast cancer may have to get the implants removed to enable more effective treatment. Some women may also want breast implant revision simply due to changed lifestyle preferences.

See more procedures and treatments by plastic surgeon Dr. Hisham Seify in Newport Beach | Orange County