



Cheek Augmentation Surgery Candidates

Aging may cause a person to lose volume in the face, specifically in the mid-face region. People with depleted fullness in the cheek area may be suitable candidates for cheek augmentation cosmetic surgery

Cheek implant surgery offers volume and creates a chiseled appearance in the mid-face for individuals with depleted cheek volume. The cheek implant surgery is suitable for people with a weakened cheek structure, a narrow or flat face, or those who have lost cheek volume due to the process of aging.

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Hisham Seify provides cheek implants to patients in Newport Beach, Orange County, CA, and surrounding communities.

Suitable Candidates

People who have cheekbones that are not prominent and who are in good overall health make suitable candidates for the cheek enhancement plastic surgery. Ideal cheek enhancement candidates should also have a positive mindset and should be seeking this surgery due to their own reasons rather than under any type of pressure.

It is important for patients to understand that when it comes to their face and body, only they should be in charge of making any decisions on undergoing a surgical procedure.

But cheek augmentation candidates are not just people who have experienced a loss in volume in the mid-face region. Some people have a weaker bone structure with little volume to begin with. Such individuals are also appropriate candidates for cheek augmentation surgery.

If a patient has received dermal fillers in the past to create volume in the cheeks temporarily, they can seek cheek implants as a permanent solution for sunken cheeks.

Cheek augmentation plastic surgery is most suitable for people with the following issues:

  • Sunken cheeks
  • Deep nasolabial folds
  • Weakly defined cheek contours
  • Prominent jowls or facial folds
  • Sagging facial skin
  • A downturned mouth
  • Hollows beneath the eyes

Age and Habits

Surgical or nonsurgical cheek augmentation candidates must be 18 years or above (or over 21 years of age for specific treatments) and must meet some specific requirements.

Cheek enhancement candidates should also be in good overall health as well as be seeking more volume and definition in their cheeks. Ideally, appropriate candidates should not be smokers or use tobacco in another form as this can cause disruptions in the healing process.

Strong Facial Bone Structure

It is fundamental for a cheek augmentation candidate to have a strong underlying bone structure as this offers support and can be a contributing factor to satisfactory outcomes. Patients who do not have distinct features may benefit more from facial implants instead of or in addition to facelift plastic surgery.

Reasonable Expectations

It is vital for cheek augmentation surgery candidates to understand the benefits as well as the limitations of this procedure. A proven, perspicacious, and well-qualified plastic surgeon can disseminate information on various aspects of the cheek surgery to the patient enabling them to make an appropriate decision.

Cordial cosmetic surgeon Dr. Hisham Seify receives patients from Newport Beach, Orange County, CA, and other cities and towns in this area of California for cheek augmentation.

See more procedures and treatments by plastic surgeon Dr. Hisham Seify in Newport Beach, Orange County, Irvine, Anaheim, Fullerton, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA and surrounding areas.