Board certified
plastic surgeon, Dr. H.M. Seify, provides advanced and innovative
cosmetic surgery procedures, including chin liposuction. Dr. Seify emphasizes on the importance of before and after photos during the initial consultation for any surgical procedure. He tries to ensure that his patients in Newport Beach, Orange County, CA, and surrounding communities have access to before and after photos before they take a decision about a particular procedure.
See All Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures
What are Chin Liposuction Before and After Images?
Before and after images for chin liposuction refer to a set of pictures pertaining to a previous patient who has undergone the same
plastic surgery procedure successfully. The set includes pictures taken prior to the surgery and after the surgery, which clearly demonstrates the difference that chin liposuction may be able to make to a patient’s appearance.
cosmetic surgeon can use these pictures as a visual aid at the time of the initial consultation to educate a patient about various aspects of chin liposuction. Patients are in a better position to understand the procedure and can make an informed choice about whether to go for it or not. Dr. Seify helps his patients in Newport Beach and Orange County, CA to evaluate various treatment options objectively with before and after pictures.
Many patients of chin liposuction may only have a vague idea of what the procedure can or cannot do for them. Some may need a combination of chin and neck liposuction, or chin re-contouring surgery to tighten the loose skin, or some other procedure which matches with their aesthetic goals more suitably. All these issues can be addressed effectively by involving the patient in the decision making process and with the help of chin liposuction before and after photos.
Realistic Expectations
Sometimes the patient may misunderstand the chin liposuction procedure despite the best possible explanations of the
plastic surgeon. If the patient forms false expectations, it may lead to disappointment later on, even if the procedure may have been performed very successfully.
Such unpleasant situations can be avoided entirely with the help of chin liposuction before and after pictures. When the patient knows exactly what the procedure can or cannot do for them, it helps them make a clear choice about whether to opt for it or not. Patients with a positive outlook, clear aesthetic goals and realistic expectations are usually able to achieve more satisfactory results with any
plastic surgery procedure.
Photos on the Surgeon’s Website
cosmetic surgeon has the option to provide the chin liposuction before and after images on their practice website. A dedicated section called an Image Gallery can be created on the website that includes digitized versions of various before and after pictures pertaining to different surgical procedures.
New and potential patients who are unsure about whether to choose chin liposuction
cosmetic surgery or not, may review the pictures online in the privacy and comfort of their home or office. If they are satisfied with the apparent effectiveness of the procedure, they may visit the surgeon for a personal consultation.
See more procedures and treatments by plastic surgeon Dr. Hisham Seify in Newport Beach | Orange County