



Every Two Years for A Mammogram?

The frequency of a mammogram continues to be a topic of debate. According to a recent article having a mammogram every two years has the same advantages for older women as getting one annually. Screening for breast cancer with a mammogram every two years ultimately result in significantly fewer false positives according to recent study. The research conducted by a team at the University of California San Francisco was published in the Journal of National Cancer Institute and included over 140,000 females between the ages of 66 and 89 years old. Lead investigator Dejana Braithwaite, PhD, a UCSF assistant professor of epidemiology and biostatistics, explained:  “Screening every other year, as opposed to every year, does not increase the probability of late-stage breast cancer in older women. Moreover, the presence of other illnesses such as diabetes or heart disease made no difference in the ratio of benefit to harm.”  Researchers gathered and analyzed data from 1996 to 2006 on 2933 older females with breast cancer and 137,949 females without breast cancer. The result of the study found that there were no differences seen in late stage breast cancer rates between the women who received a mammogram annually and those who risk green biannually. Conversely, scientists discovered that 40% of the women between 66 and 77 years old who had received screening annually experience false-positive results but only 29% of the females within the same age group who received biannual screening had false positives. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s recommended that females ages 50 to 74 should receive screening once every two years. Dr. Seify explains to breast augmentation patients that proactive breast health including breast cancer screening is recommended. While breast augmentation with implants has not been tied to any increased risk of breast cancer it is important for women to realize that maintaining their best and most aesthetically pleasing breast shape and contour with breast augmentation is not a replacement for good breast health. Patient should consult with their primary care physician regarding the recommended frequency of mammograms. Breast self-exam continues to be a monthly recommendation for the best familiarity with a patient’s own breast. Patients who are considering breast augmentation are encouraged to contact Dr. Seify and schedule a consultation.