Facelift procedures used to be considered extravagant and over the top cosmetic surgeries. Thanks to technology, new surgical methods, and increased patient confidence the facelift procedure has come to be known as a viable alternative to reducing the signs of aging on the face. Most notably, loose and lax skin along the jaw line and excessive skin around the neck are usually the driving forces for patients who are considering a facelift.
Facelift Is Worth the Investment
It can be very confusing for patients who are trying to make sense of an abundance of information when considering a facelift. For most patients it makes sense to start with the least invasive cosmetic procedures available when considering facial rejuvenation. The reality is patient should consider procedures that will work based on their specific situation and the progression of aging on the face. For example, a patient should not expect the same results a brow lift can achieve from simple Botox injections. They can expect temporary slight improvement, but if a brow lift is indicated then a simple injection cannot possibly render the same results.
Facelift at Newport Plastic
Dr. Seify explains to patients that although facial rejuvenation can include a combination of procedures including brow lift, blepharoplasty, cheek lift, and facelift each procedure has advantages and limitations. Choosing certain procedures and omitting others will change the end result of the procedure. Patients who desire the best value for the dollars that they are investing in facial rejuvenation should consider the facelift if Dr. Seify recommends the procedure and states that they are a good candidate. Numerous studies have proven that the facelift is the best value for the money long-term. Most patients even as they age with their facelift maintain a look that appears to be 10 to 15 years younger than their stated age. Most patients will have only one facelift in their lifetime. Although the initial outlay of money may seem steep for some patients, overall a facelift continues to be the best value based on the amount of time a patient and enjoy satisfying results. Dr. Seify encourages patients to consult with him to determine if a facelift is the right recommendation to help them minimize the appearance of aging on their face.