



Fat Grafting Can Reduce the Appearance of Breast Implant Rippling

Fat Grafting Can Reduce the Appearance of Breast Implant Rippling

Advancements in surgical techniques and superior quality breast implant materials have made breast augmentation cosmetic surgery safer and more predictable than ever before. However, complications may still develop in breast implants at some stage. Implant rippling is one of the common occurrences, which can adversely impact breast appearance. It is possible to mitigate the appearance of rippling effect of the implants in most cases with fat grafting. An experienced plastic surgeon will recommend this technique in order to avoid the need for a breast implant replacement surgery. Dr. Hisham Seify is an eminent plastic surgeon who can provide the fat grafting procedure to address the condition of implant rippling. Dr. Seify receives patients from Newport Beach and surrounding areas.

Why Rippling Occurs?

In the original breast augmentation surgery, if the size of implants chosen is too big for the patient’s breasts, it may cause the breast tissue to stretch. Implant rippling may take place in one or both breast implants if the amount of breast tissue is insufficient to cover the implant. In such a situation, the rippled implants can be replaced with new silicone implants, but such a breast revision procedure would be complex as well as costly. Rather than subject the patient to a major plastic surgery to replace implants, the surgeon can choose fat grafting technique to add volume and coverage to the existing implant. A fat grafting procedure is not designed to correct implant rippling, but it can make the rippled effect significantly less noticeable.

How it Works

Fat grafting technique allows for the opportunity to place extra fat in a highly precise manner in exactly the areas where it is required. The harvested fat cells are placed over the implants to increase fullness and to improve the shape, which reduces the visibility of the rippling effect. The fat grafting technique provides the best benefit to women who have an overall thin figure, as they are more likely to suffer from implant rippling. The procedure helps to create a type of padding over the implants and thicken the tissue over the implants. The volume can be increased in the upper pole of the breasts, which covers the rippling of the underlying implants. In some cases, minor imbalances between implants can also be corrected with fat grafting.

Sensitive Technique  

As an experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Seify provides the fat grafting procedure to patients in Newport Beach and other regions. Patients should choose the best surgeon for this procedure in order to achieve consistent looking results. Fat grafting is a very sensitive technique, and every part of the process from fat harvesting to fat purifying to grafting will make a difference to the final result. Partial fat loss occurs during the harvesting process, but an expert surgeon can ensure that at least 70 to 90% of the inject fat survives. Multiple grafts are usually required primarily because of fat loss that occurs during the process. A stellar and acute surgeon will be able to achieve the best results with the least requirement for multiple treatment sessions of fat grafting. See more procedures and treatments by plastic surgeon Dr. Hisham Seify in Newport Beach | Orange County