Liposuction cosmetic surgery procedure can be performed using various surgical approaches. The recovery process can vary between two patients depending on the surgical technique used by the plastic surgeon, the extent of surgery performed, and the patient’s innate ability to heal. Liposuction Before & After Photos
As an experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Hisham Seify discusses various aspects of liposuction during the initial consultation with his patients, including the recovery process. Patients in Newport Beach, Orange County, CA, and surrounding areas may visit him for a liposuction consultation.
Estimated Time for Recovery
Working people are usually more concerned about the estimated recovery period. In most cases, the patient can return to work within a week, as long as the job does not involve excessive physical strain for the first few days. If the plastic surgery has been performed more extensively, involving multiple body parts, the patient may have to stay away from work for about two weeks.
As soon as the procedure is completed, the plastic surgeon will wrap the treated area with a compressive garment to promote faster healing and reduce swelling. After about a week, the swelling and bruising will begin to subside fast. However, complete swelling will disappear only after a few months. As new, improved body contours and shapes emerge gradually, the patient will increasingly feel better about the procedure and know that fantastic progress is being made.
Surgeon’s Instructions
The cosmetic surgeon will provide clear instructions to be followed during the recovery period. Healing can be safer and faster if the patient follows the recovery instructions carefully. The instructions may cover the following points:
- How to care for the wounds and the temporary drains.
- If and when to use pain relieving drugs and other medications to reduce the risk of infection.
- Specific signs to look for in the overall health condition and the treated areas, in which case the surgeon must be contacted.
- When to visit the surgeon for the first follow-up visit and for removal of sutures.
Patients in Newport Beach, Orange County, CA, and surrounding communities have an opportunity to receive liposuction and other cosmetic surgery procedures from Dr. Seify.
Questions a Patient Should Ask
Patients should feel free to ask any questions related to recovery and clear all their doubts before they leave for home after the procedure. Some of the common questions are as follows:
- Will it be necessary to arrange for help in the first one or two days at home?
- Will the compression garment have to be worn continuously and for how many days?
- When will the surgeon remove the drain and sutures?
- When will it be possible to resume regular activities or go back to work?
Other Issues Related to Recovery
In case of the use of tumescent technique during liposuction plastic surgery, the recovery may be relatively faster because the technique is more conservative. Pain or discomfort is usually well tolerated in case of liposuction, particularly if the surgery is performed over a single or limited area. Swelling or bruising in the treated area can mostly be concealed behind clothing. Therefore, the patient can visit the workplace or other places quite discreetly.
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