The accumulation of fat deposits on different sections of the body can be very embarrassing and people try their best to keep themselves in shape. While some people try out traditional means like dieting and exercise to keep them in shape there are several surgical methods to remove fat and cellulite deposits from the body. While earlier people had to undergo invasive plastic surgeries to remove fat deposits which would sometimes leave ugly scars or also cause health complications, advances in medical technology has brought noninvasive slimming techniques to people. . Before suggesting any of these surgeries to patients Newport Plastic Surgeon Dr. Hisham Seify will make a detailed study of the case and health condition of patient.
About Velashape
Velashape is a non-surgical method to reduce fat deposits that was introduced just a few years ago and has been gaining popularity around the world and among cosmetic surgery clinics in Orange County CA. This procedure is being opted for by both men and women as it does not leave any ugly scars and causes skin to become tight and smooth without leaving any wrinkles or loose skin after fat deposit are removed.
During this procedure a series of patented treatments combined under Electro-Optical Synergy are applied to the patient to reduce fat deposits and also contour body into required shape. Velashape combines energy of bi-polar radio frequency along with infrared light energy and vacuum suction that is followed up with mechanical massage for reshaping muscles.
About Liposuction
Liposuction is also a non-surgical method to remove cellulite and fat deposits from under the skin that could be located below cellulite affected areas. Though liposuction is fairly painless it should not be attempted on people with blood pressure issue, diabetes and lung infections as it could lead to serious health complications in Newport Beach. Both traditional and modern techniques are used to reduce fat deposits during liposuction procedure in which first general anesthesia is given to a patient before starting the procedure.
During liposuction a thin tube called cannula is inserted into the area from where the fat has to be removed and then either liquid or ultrasonic sound waves are introduced under the skin to break fat cells and remove them with the cannula. The entire plastic surgery has to be carried out by a trained and experienced plastic surgeon as he/she will know exactly how long each session has to be carried out.
Differences between both procedures
Velashape procedure concentrates on cellulite removal and reshapes body shape through mechanical procedures. Laser based liposuction procedures concentrate on fat deposit removal and does not touch cellulite so is able to achieve precise results. Surgical lasers for liposuction are more expensive and require several procedures to bring out desired results. Results from Velashape procedure lasts for a shorter time then liposuction if the patient does not make healthy lifestyle changes. Recovery from Velashape process is also faster than liposuction as anesthesia is not used on the patient and they can return to normal activities within the same day.