Preparing For Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast reduction is a body contouring cosmetic surgery aimed at reducing the size and volume of breasts to make them more proportionate to the rest of the body. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss various aspects of breast reduction, and provide guidelines for advance preparation.
A well-prepared patient will typically feel more confident and go through the procedure with greater ease and assurance.
She will have better resilience to sustain the anesthesia and surgery, and is more likely have a fast recovery. Profound, judicious, and board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Hisham Seify provides breast reduction surgery to patients in Newport Beach, Orange County, CA, and other cities and neighborhoods in this part of The Golden State.
Prior to the Surgery
The patient should ideally complete the following tasks as part of preparation ahead of the scheduled date of breast reduction plastic surgery:
- Arrange to send the past health records from the physician and specialist to the office of the surgeon for their review.
- Prepare a list of current prescription and non-prescription drugs, including herbal supplements and vitamins, to show to the surgeon.
- Getting any lab tests, x-rays or mammograms done as advised by the surgeon.
- Alter the schedule of current prescription drugs in consultation with the doctor, if required by the surgeon.
- Stop smoking for a certain time period prior to the breast reduction surgery, as per the surgeon’s instructions.
- Complete any pressing tasks at home or office well in advance to ensure a stress-free recovery.
- Arrange for a responsible person to drive the patient back home after breast reduction surgery.
- Arrange for aftercare, if necessary, for the first few days after the surgery.
Adhering to the surgeon’s pre- and post-op care instructions is the best way to increase the chances of a safe breast reduction surgery and a speedier recovery.
A Day before the Surgery
A few simple guidelines can be followed just a day before the breast reduction procedure. The staff at the surgeon’s office may provide written or oral instructions to the patient as follows:
- Obtain sufficient rest and have a good night’s sleep before the day of surgery. This is not the time to be staying up late partying with friends and getting drunk. This is also not the time to load up on pizza, cake, and potato chips.
- If general anesthesia is involved, do not eat or drink anything for at least eight hours prior to the surgery.
- Do not consume alcohol for 48 hours prior to the scheduled time of surgery.
- Avoid wearing any makeup, body piercings, jewelry, or contact lenses on the day of the surgery.
- Preferably wear comfortable and loose fitting clothes on way to the surgery center. The top should have buttons or a zip in the front.
- Diabetic patients should get their vital parameters checked on the morning of the surgery.
Mild pre-operative anxiety and stress is normal for any patient a day before the surgery. The surgeon may prescribe a calming medication to be taken on the night before the surgery. Patients should arrange essential items at home in advance to avoid any inconvenience on their return home after the surgery.
Perceptive, kind, and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Hisham Seify receives patients from Newport Beach, Orange County, CA, and nearby areas across the landscape for breast reduction.
See more procedures and treatments by plastic surgeon Dr. Hisham Seify in Newport Beach, Orange County, Irvine, Anaheim, Fullerton, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, CA and surrounding areas.