



Some Patients Try Prosthetics Before Reconstructive Surgery

For some breast cancer patients immediate breast cancer reconstruction is not possible. They may need to wait a certain length of time after their mastectomy before having breast reconstruction surgery. According to recent online article a Dallas news report shared that many women character prosthetics in the interim to help feel better about themselves. They highlighted patient who was diagnosed at the young age of 21. She had to delay her breast reconstruction based on her doctors’ orders. She along with other women shop at specialty store that caters to women who are waiting to have their breast reconstruction performed. There are prosthetics that are designed to fit a woman’s body following a mastectomy. Prosthetics that are available today are much more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing than those available years ago. For most patients it gives them the self-confidence to be able to wait the 6 to 9 months that many wait prior to beginning the breast reconstruction process. While the ideal situation is to have a breast reconstruction consultation prior to having a mastectomy Dr. Seify assures his patients that once a patient is diagnosed with breast cancer she will be able to have breast reconstruction surgery if she is a candidate covered by your insurance regardless of when she chooses to have the procedure performed. It is important for patients to the assured that breast reconstruction is an option covered under insurance by law for any breast cancer patient. Dr. Seify explains to patients that the process can be tedious with the use of tissue expanders to stretch the skin so that it can accommodate a breast implant. For other patients that transfer without using an implant may be an option. The main point for patients to understand is that there are options available for them and that the law provides insurance coverage for breast cancer patients so that they do not need to worry about breast cancer reconstruction options being available to them following their mastectomy. Patients who are diagnosed with breast cancer are encouraged to contact Dr. Seify and schedule a consultation.