



Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) after Massive Weight Loss

As obesity continues to be one of the most discussed health concerns facing Americans more patients are seeking body contouring procedures following massive weight loss. Post massive weight loss plastic surgery continues to be one of the areas with double-digit increases over the past few years. Patients who have lost a significant amount of weight are likely to have loose and lax skin on several areas of the body. For most patients the most troublesome is the abdominal area. For a lot of reasons this can be not only unattractive but also uncomfortable. For some patients the excess skin can become susceptible to heat rash is an even infection due to the skin folds and sweat that is trapped within the folds. The excess skin on the abdomen can cause patients to require a larger waist size implants or skirts. After the victory of losing weight the inability to see attractive results due to loose and lax skin on the abdomen can lead to depression and cause some patients to begin to gain their weight back. For these reasons it is a good idea to consider post massive weight loss plastic surgery for the abdomen. For many patients and abdominoplasty may be Dr. Seify’s recommendation. The common name, a tummy tuck is more familiar to most patients. It is important for patients who have lost in extreme amount of weight to realize that their tummy tuck is not a straightforward procedure. In most cases they will require an extended abdominoplasty. This means that the incision is likely to stand beyond the hip. Depending on the amount of loose and lax skin patient should be prepared for the incision to extend the length of the loose and lax skin that is present. When the incision is not link the unknown for the plastic surgeon to capture the loose skin that is present, there is a great likelihood that there will be extreme puckering and mounds of skin left behind. These are commonly referred to as dog ears. While these can be removed later, avoiding them initially is the best choice. Also, patients need to inform Dr. Seify of their source of weight loss. If they have had weight loss surgery and are on any special vitamins or medications following the surgery it is important that they share that information prior to surgery. This will allow Dr. Seify to recommend the best plan for recovery. It is also important that patients are nutritionally healthy and that there are not deficiencies in their iron, potassium, and other important nutrients that affect the patient’s health and prognosis for healing and recovery. Post massive weight loss plastic surgery is a great decision for patients who have worked so hard to lose weight and keep it off. Patients who are considering post massive weight loss plastic surgery are encouraged to contact Dr. Seify and schedule a consultation.