



Which Procedures Should Be Considered When You Hit The Big 3-0?

As patients near their 30s(better known as the big three – 0) many begin to see early signs of aging. Depending on the person this can range from crows feet on the outer corners of the eyes, to wrinkles on the forehead to the beginning signs of loose and lax skin on the face. For some women they may become more self-conscious about the shape and contour of their breast especially if they have not yet had children. Dr. Seify explains to patients entering into their 30s that plastic surgery procedures are best tolerated when patients begin early and make small subtle changes along the way. For most patients beginning with small changes to their face using injectables such as Botox or fillers such as Restylane can make a subtle yet dramatic improvement in treating the early signs of aging on the face. These procedures will help with crows feet around the eyes, wrinkles on the forehead, and loss of volume in the nasolabial folds. Popular procedures for patients who are in their 30s also include breast augmentation. For some patients this may just be a way to improve and enhance the size and shape of their breast. For other patients it may be more corrective in nature in that they have significant asymmetries. For still another group of patients breast augmentation and a breast lift will help to restore volume and shape following either significant weight loss or pregnancy. It is a good idea for patients to consider one body procedure such as breast augmentation in combination with one facial procedure such as injectables or liposuction of the chin. This helps patients to take advantage of not only some financial advantages but also the logistics of one recovery time. Getting older and beginning to see the signs of aging can be scary; however, patient should approach the aging process with confidence knowing that plastic surgery procedures performed correctly will help them to continually look younger than their stated age. Patients were considering plastic surgery are encouraged to contact Dr. Seify’s office and schedule a consultation.